Junk in the Trunk Shows

This day and age, people are obsessed with junk in the trunk. CMON,  GET your mind out of the gutter, I’m talking about TRUNK SHOWS. Trunk shows are amazing because they give designers opportunity to test out the market and display merchandise prior to it being available to the public. It is such an awesome experience for designers and customers because customers can feel a level of exclusivity seeing merchandise that has never been revealed to the public and when designers display their clothing and merchandise in a new setting it gives them the opportunity to reach a new customer base. Basically EVERYONE is winning. To a certain extent trunk shows remind me of sample sales, in the fact that they are short-lived and contain items that aren’t always available to everyone else, but I just think its awesome that the fashion world is able to bless us with such opportunities. Not to mention that Trunk shows tend to provide food and drinks so it’s an event filled with absolutely everything us fashionistas could ask for, Food, Fashion, Fun, and Fabulous.

Trunk shows are also incredible because it’s a chance for designers to interact with the people purchasing their clothing. Not always do designers get the chance to be in the same place that their clothing is being sold, at the same time that the customers are buying it. As a designer you want to know what customers think and feel about your latest creations and trunk shows give them that exact option. Up close and personal, designers are able to listen to feedback and absorb the joy that they are bringing to their customers, or even here negative feedback on things that aren’t as popular. This in turn helps develop an intimate and meaningful relationship with you and your customer base. Customers will feel more invested in a line or a piece of clothing if they first hand hear the designers vision, their process behind the creation and the significance it has to that said collection. I know we don’t always think that clothing can be so deep, but fashion is art. Designers are pouring their hearts and souls into the fashion they are creating and most of the time we don’t even appreciate it. Trunk shows can give designers that very special voice. Almost as if you are at an art show.


Let’s also take  a second to recognize that not only do the designers and customers win, but the stores hosting the events win majorly. Generally, when stores want to test a new product line and order new merchandise, their buyers have to take a chance on that merchandise and hope that it is going to be popular in stores. Trunk shows give stores opportunity to test products with no risk because the stores don’t have to guarantee any kinds of payment up front. Bringing designers into stores is also a great advertising agent for stores because not only will they lead customers in for the trunk show, but customers can be enthused by products that are already in that store. As well as create a great buzz of the store that can get people excited about merchandise.

So really is anyone losing here? I would say absolutely not. Trunk shows are vital because they help everyone involved. Trunk shows are fun, light-hearted, dope experiences that give customers and designers a chance to connect on a personal level, while the stores and designers get exposure and essentially boost everyone who is involveds happiness. Unless you are anti happiness, Trunk shows are wear it is at.  I am all for it. Bring the happiness my way. Also bring me the food and possible champagne because I AM NOT mad about it. I am here for it, and you should be as well. ** Drops Mic**

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